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Press Releases


Dorothee Dines
PR & Media Relations
Tel. +41 (0)61 645 97 21

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Henri Matisse

Henri Matisse, Grand nu couché (Nu rose) [Large Reclining Nude (The Pink Nude)], 1935

Oil on canvas
66.4 x 93.3 cm
The Baltimore Museum of Art, The Cone Collection, formed by Dr. Claribel Cone and Etta Cone of Baltimore, Maryland, 1950
© Succession H. Matisse / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Mitro Hood

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Henri Matisse, Baigneuses à la tortue (Bathers with a Turtle), 1907-08

Oil on canvas
181.6 x 221 cm
Saint Louis Art Museum, gift of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pulitzer Jr.
© Succession H. Matisse / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Saint Louis Art Museum

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Henri Matisse Intérieur au rideau égyptien (Interior with an Egyptian Curtain), 1948

Oil on canvas
116.2 x 89.2 cm
The Phillips Collection, Washington, DC, acquired 1950
© Succession H. Matisse / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: The Phillips Collection, Washington, D.C.

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Henri Matisse, Intérieur à la fougère noire [Interior with Black Fern (The Black Fern)], 1948

Oil on canvas
116.5 x 89.5 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection
© Succession H. Matisse / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Robert Bayer

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[Translate to Englisch:] Henri Matisse, Nu bleu I (Blue Nude I), 1952

Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, on paper on canvas
106.3 x 78 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection
© Succession H. Matisse / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Robert Bayer

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Henri Matisse, Les acanthes (Acanthuses), 1953

Gouache on paper, cut and pasted, charcoal drawing, on paper on canvas
311.7 x 351.8 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection
© Succession H. Matisse / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Robert Bayer

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Daughter of Freedom

Thomas Schütte, Walser's Wife, 2011

Lacquer on aluminium and steel base
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
© 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Robert Bayer

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Ferdinand Hodler, La malade, 1914

Oil on canvas
43.0 x 33.0 cm
Rudolf Staechelin Collection

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Ferdinand Hodler, Le Grammont après la pluie, 1917

Oil on canvas
60.5 x 80.0 cm
Rudolf Staechelin Collection

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Claude Monet, Le pont japonais, ca. 1918-1924

Oil on canvas
89.0 x 155.5 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection
Photo: Peter Schibli

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Marlene Dumas, Amy – Pink, 2011

Oil on canvas
40.5 x 30.0 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
© Marlene Dumas
Photo: Mark Niedermann

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Louise Bourgeois, Spider IV, 1996

Steel, wall piece
198.0 x 175.0 x 53.3 cm
Private Collection, New York
© The Easton Foundation / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich

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Globus Public Art Project

Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024

Installation View, Globus Public Art Project, Basel, Switzerland, 2024
Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany; 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo by Mark Niedermann

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Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024

Installation View, Globus Public Art Project, Basel, Switzerland, 2024
Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany; 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo by Mark Niedermann

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Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024

Installation View, Globus Public Art Project, Basel, Switzerland, 2024
Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany; 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo by Mark Niedermann

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Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024

Installation View, Globus Public Art Project, Basel, Switzerland, 2024
Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany; 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo by Mark Niedermann

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Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024

Installation View, Globus Public Art Project, Basel, Switzerland, 2024
Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany; 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo by Mark Niedermann

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Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024

Installation View, Globus Public Art Project, Basel, Switzerland, 2024
Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany; 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo by Mark Niedermann

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Julian Charrière, Calls for Action, 2024

Installation View, Globus Public Art Project, Basel, Switzerland, 2024
Copyright the artist; VG Bild-Kunst, Bonn, Germany; 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo by Mark Niedermann

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Julian Charrière

Photo: Matthias Willi

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Julian Charrière and Samuel Leuenberger

Photo: Matthias Willi

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Julian Charrière, Western Andean Cloud Forest, Ecuador, 2024

© the artist; VG-Bild Kunst, Bonn, Germany / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Alcuin Stevenson

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Julian Charrière, Western Andean Cloud Forest, Ecuador, 2024

© the artist; VG-Bild Kunst, Bonn, Germany / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Alcuin Stevenson

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Julian Charrière, Western Andean Cloud Forest, Ecuador, 2024

© the artist; VG-Bild Kunst, Bonn, Germany / 2024, ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Alcuin Stevenson

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Fischli/Weiss "Snowman"

Fischli/Weiss, Snowman, 2016

Copper, aluminium, glass, water, cooling system, 218 x 128 x 165 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
Photo: Pati Grabowicz

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Beyeler Restaurant im Park

Beyeler Restaurant im Park, 2019. Photo: Robert Rieger.

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Beyeler Restaurant im Park, 2019. Photo: Robert Rieger.

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Beyeler Restaurant im Park, 2019. Photo: Robert Rieger.

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Beyeler Restaurant im Park, 2019. Photo: Robert Rieger.

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Beyeler Collection

Claude Monet, Nymphéas, 1916 – 1919

Claude Monet, Nymphéas, 1916 – 1919

Water Lillies

Oil on canvas, 200 x 180 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
Photo: Peter Schibli, Basel

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Henri Matisse, Nu bleu, la grenouille, 1952

Henri Matisse, Nu bleu, la grenouille, 1952

Blue Female Nude, the Frog

Cut papers, painted with gouache, on paper on canvas, 141 x 134 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
© 2017 Succession
H. Matisse/ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Peter Schibli, Basel

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Paul Klee, Wald-Hexen, 1938, 145 (K5)

Paul Klee, Wald-Hexen, 1938, 145 (K5)

Forest witches

Oil on paper on jute, 99 x 74 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
Photo: Robert Bayer, Basel

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Alberto Giacometti, L’homme qui marche II, 1960

Alberto Giacometti, L’homme qui marche II, 1960

Walking Man II

Bronze, 189 x 26 x 110 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
© 2017, Fondation
Giacometti/ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Robert Bayer, Basel

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Francis Bacon, Portrait of George Dyer Riding a Bicycle, 1966

Francis Bacon, Portrait of George Dyer Riding a Bicycle, 1966

Oil and pastel on canvas,
198 x 147,5 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
© 2017, The Estate of Francis Bacon/ProLitteris, Zurich
Photo: Peter Schibli, Basel

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Marlene Dumas, Broken White, 2006

Marlene Dumas, Broken White, 2006

Oil on canvas, 130 x 110 cm
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel
© Marlene Dumas
Photo: Peter Cox

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The Fondation Beyeler in Winter

Photo: Mark Niedermann

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The Fondation Beyeler, designed by Renzo Piano

Photo: Mark Niedermann

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The Fondation Beyeler, designed by Renzo Piano

Photo: Mark Niedermann

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The Fondation Beyeler in springtime

Photo: Mark Niedermann

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The Fondation Beyeler in summer

Photo: Mark Niedermann

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The park of the Fondation Beyeler in springtime

Ellsworth Kelly, White Curves, 2001, and Alexander Calder, The Tree, 1966
© Ellsworth Kelly; Calder Foundation, New York
Photo: Mark Niedermann

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The annual Summer Party

Photo: Mathias Mangold

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Concert at the annual Summer Party

Photo: Mathias Mangold

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The Artshop at the Fondation Beyeler

Photo: Mark Niedermann

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Installation views

View of the permanent collection of the Fondation Beyeler, Monet room, 2013

Claude Monet, Le bassin aux nymphéas, around 1917–1920 and La cathédrale de Rouen: Le portail (Effet du matin), 1894
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection
Ellsworth Kelly, White Ring, 1963, private collection, © 2013, Ellsworth Kelly
photo: Serge Hasenböhler

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View of the permanent collection of the Fondation Beyeler, 2014

Paul Klee, Glüht nach, 1939, Ohne Titel (Gefangen/Diesseits–Jenseits/Figur), um 1940, Zeichen in Gelb, 1937, Schlamm-Assel-Fisch, 1940, Mumom sinkt trunken in den Sessel, 1940, Vor dem Blitz, 1923
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection
photo: Mark Niedermann

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View of the permanent collection of the Fondation Beyeler, 2016

Louise Bourgeois, Lair, 1962, In Respite, 1992, Felix Gonzalez-Torres, “Untitled” (For New York), 1992
© 2017, ProLitteris, Zurich / © The Felix Gonzalez-Torres Foundation
photo: Mark Niedermann

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View of the permanent collection of the Fondation Beyeler, 2016

Marlene Dumas, The Swan, 2015, Broken White, 2006,
Nuclear Family, 2013
© Marlene Dumas
photo: Mark Niedermann

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View of the permanent collection of the Fondation Beyeler, 2014

Claude Monet, Le bassin aux nymphéas, around 1917-1920, Auguste Rodin, Iris, messagère des dieux (Figure volante), 1890/91, Claude Monet, Le pont japonais, around 1918–1924
Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, Beyeler Collection
photo: Mark Niedermann

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Installation view exhibition “Wolfgang Tillmans”,

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, 2017; photo: Mark Niedermann

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Installation view exhibition “Wolfgang Tillmans”

Fondation Beyeler, Riehen/Basel, 2017; photo: Mark Niedermann

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New Museum Building

New Museum Building

The extension project of the Fondation Beyeler with Atelier Peter Zumthor
New museum building (left) and pavillion (right), view from Berower Park

Courtesy Atelier Peter Zumthor

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New museum building

The extension project of the Fondation Beyeler with Atelier Peter Zumthor
New museum building, view from Iselin-Weber Park

Courtesy Atelier Peter Zumthor

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New museum building

The extension project of the Fondation Beyeler with Atelier Peter Zumthor
New museum building, view from Iselin-Weber Park

Courtesy Atelier Peter Zumthor

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New museum building

The extension project of the Fondation Beyeler with Atelier Peter Zumthor
New museum building, exhibition Space

Courtesy Atelier Peter Zumthor
© Successió Miró / Calder Foundation, New York / Art Resource, NY / 2017, ProLitteris, Zurich

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The Iselin-Weber Park

Photograph: Mark Niedermann

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Peter Zumthor

Photograph: Martin Mischkulnig

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Director Sam Keller

Photo: Matthias Willi

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Managing Director Ulrike Erbslöh

Photo: Matthias Willi

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Ernst and Hildy Beyeler

Ernst Beyeler, 1993

Photo: Kurt Wyss, Basel

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Ernst Beyeler, 1985

Photo: ©Christian Vogt

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Ernst and Hildy Beyeler in front of Galerie Beyeler

Photo: Niggi Bräuning

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Ernst Beyeler and Sam Keller at the Fondation Beyeler, 2007

Photo: Peter Schnetz

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Ernst Beyeler in front of a work by Pablo Picasso at Art Basel, 1970

Photo: Kurt Wyss, Basel

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Alberto Giacometti and Ernst Beyeler at the Galerie Beyeler, 1963

Unkown Photographer

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Ernst Beyeler and Renzo Piano at the opening of the Fondation Beyeler, 1997

Unkown Photographer

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Ernst Beyeler and Pablo Picasso, Mougins, 1969

Unkown photographer

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To download images, please fill out the form below and use the captions and copyrights © in your publication. We would be pleased to receive a specimen copy.



Copyright fees may apply for the use of image material. In accordance with Swiss law, the image material may be used free of charge for press purposes in the context of current reporting. However, this use is only permitted in connection with the current exhibition and during its duration. Any further use or use beyond the Swiss national territory requires permission from the copyright holders. The Fondation Beyeler is not the owner of the copyrights and therefore declines any responsibility for copyright fees that may arise from the use of image and film material (e.g. from ProLitteris, VG Bild-Kunst, DACS, ARS, ADAGP or similar institutions).


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